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9 Tips to Improve Diesel Engine Performance -


Evelyn y

Mar. 07, 2024
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Even as automobile sales continue to dwindle throughout the country, diesel sales continue to climb. If you’re someone who drives a vehicle with a diesel engine, then you’re probably on the road a lot. And because of that, you want to make sure that your engine is operating at peak performance. 

If you’re interested in learning how to get the most out of your diesel engine, then you’ve come to the right place. So keep on reading and we’ll take you through our top tips to improve diesel engine performance. 

1. Consider Diesel Tuners

Also known as programmers, diesel tuners are little electronic devices that can help you improve and manage the performance of your diesel engine. The devices will more or less “tune” your engine to your specific needs as its driver.

It’s fairly easy and cost-effective to install diesel tuners. And they can also significantly improve your fuel economy. 

2. Use Diesel Fuel Additives

You can make sure that your diesel fuel injection system is running efficiently and smoothly by using diesel fuel injection cleaners. You should use these cleaners whenever you fill up and change your filters. 

There are also other diesel fuel additives that can help your engine. These include freeze depressants, water demulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors, lubricants, and deposit modifiers. 

3. Use DEF, DPF, and EGR Delete Kits

DEF, DPF, and ERG Delete aftermarket kits are commonly used diesel performance mods. If your truck has an Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), Diesel Engine Fluid (DEF), and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) installed in the engine, then you could benefit from one of these aftermarket delete kits. 

Each system has a different function and they each can help reduce exhaust emissions and burn off soot. Unfortunately, they can also come with their share of complications and can end up reducing mileage and performance and even reduce the lifespan of your engine.

Delete kits will get rid of these systems from your engine in order to improve fuel economy and performance. And they can reduce expensive engine repairs. 

4. Install Performance Air Filters & Cold Air Intakes

Aftermarket cold air intake kits and air filters can improve the performance of your diesel engine. These items help to reduce airflow restriction while also effectively filtering out contaminants and keeping your engine clean.  

Because you’re getting more air into the engine, you’ll be able to get more power out. And you won’t have to compromise on fuel economy, either. 

5. Upgrade the Exhaust System

The exhaust system plays a big part in your diesel engine performance. In order to expel a higher amount of exhaust at one time, it’s wise to consider getting an exhaust system that comes with a bigger capacity.

This is going to provide more horsepower to the engine. And the more horsepower your engine has, the more exhaust will need to be expelled. 

This can be a useful upgrade because it will help your truck achieve an ideal balance.   

6. Install a Turbocharger

A turbocharger can be a worthwhile purchase that can supply your engine with more power. It can be extremely useful if you use your diesel vehicle to haul and tow heavy loads.

Essentially, a turbocharger is going to force more air into your diesel engine’s combustion chamber. The added oxygen is going to mean more power from the engine. 

7. Schedule Regular Tune-Ups for Your Diesel Engine

By going in for regular check-ups, you and your diesel engine technician will be able to notice any problems that could be affecting your engine’s performance. These check-ups could end up saving you a lot of money in expensive repairs in the future, too. 

Because many parts of your diesel engine run at extremely high pressures, it can put a lot of wear and tear on the engine. Regular maintenance performed by an experienced specialist is going to help improve the overall efficiency and performance of your vehicle and make sure that your engine’s lifespan isn’t reduced. 

8. Upgrade Your Diesel Fuel Injectors

When you upgrade to performance fuel injectors, you’ll be able to give your diesel engine a higher range of power output. Plus, you’ll also be able to improve its fuel efficiency.

Some fuel injector mods claim that they can boost diesel engine horsepower by fifty horsepower or more with the proper mechanical adjustments. These special fuel injectors provide an optimal amount of delivery of fuel to the engine.

9. Alter the Cylinder Liners

One common way to increase power is by boring out the cylinder liners. You’ll be able to burn more fuel and increase your horsepower by expanding the area for compression.

The cylinder liners make up the walls of the combustion chamber. By boring out the cylinder liners and installing injector tubes, you can use oversized pistons and rings in order to create dynamite compression.

The Importance of Using These Tips to Improve Diesel Engine Performance

Driving a diesel vehicle can be a rewarding and fruitful experience. But it can be even more rewarding to maintain, work on, and improve your diesel engine performance. 

That can include utilizing mods, getting regular tune-ups, and upgrading systems. And after reading the tips above, you should be able to make more confident and educated decisions when it comes to handling your diesel engine.

Are you looking for help with your diesel engine vehicle? If so, then make sure that you contact us today and see what our experienced diesel technicians can do for you!

Diesel-powered vehicles have greatly improved compared to predecessors, but you still can’t help wanting to squeeze out more power from the engine.

Modern diesel engines are flexible enough to be optimized for more power and torque without having to rely on expensive tools and modifications.

If you want the best performance from your vehicle’s diesel engine, here are seven tips we recommend:

1. Schedule regular tune-ups

Consistent maintenance of the engine will allow you to detect any issue that could potentially hamper engine performance and lead to expensive repairs in the future.

Diesel engines operate at a much higher pressure than gasoline counterparts, so regular inspection and repairs are crucial to keep wear and tear at bay.

2. Invest in air intake upgrades

If you acquire some extra cash, a cold air intake or an air flow kit gives a significant boost in engine power.

These upgrades draw more oxygen-rich air into the engine, making it more efficient at burning fuel. It leads to increased horsepower and improved fuel economy.

3. Get a turbocharger

If your vehicle still doesn’t have one, a turbocharger can also give a significant performance boost.

The turbo pushes more air into the engine, creating a pressurized stream that combusts more easily with the fuel. An engine with a standard turbocharger provides three times more airflow, while performance turbochargers can push that figure up to five times as much.

4. Switch to performance injectors

Upgrading to performance fuel injectors can also increase the power output. It might even improve the mileage of a diesel engine.

The right adjustments on the injectors should see an increase of 50 to 100 Hp with a set of specialized performance injectors. If you can’t afford performance injectors, switching to a new set of diesel fuel injectors will still result in a significant improvement in engine power.

Experts recommend changing the injectors every 36 months or 45,000 miles, whichever comes first.

5. Reprogram the ECM

The engine control module or ECM is responsible for managing engine performance through a system of engine parameters, such as the air-to-fuel ratio and maximum RPM rating.

A professional mechanic can quickly modify these parameters to increase the engine’s maximum horsepower and torque to optimum levels, for example.

6. Upgrade the exhaust

If you are planning on investing in upgrades for your vehicle’s intake, consider improving the exhaust as well.

Performance-grade exhaust parts are designed to have wide diameters and fewer bends, allowing exhaust fumes to move and dissipate more efficiently. It results in smoother acceleration, lower engine noise, and significantly improved fuel mileage.

7. Consider using additives

Diesel fuel additives come in various forms, but these components all have the same function—improving the performance of your vehicle in a variety of ways.

Diesel fuel injector cleaners, for example, can help prevent clogging from happening, and antifreeze ensures the engine runs smoothly while in frigid weather conditions. Check with your service manual, however, to determine if a particular additive is right for your ride.

For more information or a quote on these upgrades, call Taylor Diesel today.

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